Tuesday, January 5, 2016

To My Best Friend

We've been friends since High School. We may not have started out as best friends, but you have definitely become mine. We usually only see each other once a month, and text maybe once a week, but whenever we are together I feel I can be real. I can be myself, say what I want and you will still love me. You have supported me in every little journey I've been on and have continued to support me on the ones I am still travelling on. I would not be where I am without you. You may not think you are that important to me but you are. I have never worked so hard to keep a friendship, but you are worth it to me. Know this and know I will always be there when you need a friend. Even just a trip to the city for cupcakes ;)

Cheers to the New Year

So, this year I am finally finding time for myself and growing my businesses. I have so many plans going through my head and I just need to find the time to finish it all! I am so excited for the future.
Ok, so last year my word for 2015 was JOY. For the first few weeks of the year, I woke up and thought of this word. After a couple of weeks, this just became a "thing" for me. 2015 was the best year yet. SO much happened. Wonderful things.
This year my word is CONFIDENCE. I'll admit, the start has not been strong but I am determined to wake up every morning with this word in my head and reach and accomplish the goals I have set for myself this year. To gain confidence in myself and in my work.
Some of the goals I have set for myself this year:
One: To be more patient with my children. Isn't this every mothers goal every single day? Just to love them more, understand them more and hug them more. They grow up way too fast. Two: To grow in my businesses. I plan to re-vamp my photography business this year. Now that my babes are growing up I have one day a week without them where I can focus on my businesses and I plan to go all in every week. Three: I plan to have at least three online parties per month for Younique, once I get myself organized. First party is January 14th so I got to get my ducks in a row for then. Four: To find a photographer friend I can share my ideas with and to work together to accomplish goals. To work together and help each other grow in our passion. Someone with kids who knows the true struggle of balancing work, motherhood and being a wife.

Excuses are sometimes valid

You are so inspiring to me. I've followed you since you've started out and love every second watching you grow and reading your blogs. Creepy right? But seriously I have been so inspired by your words and your work. Your last post inspired, yet broke my heart. Those “excuses” are valid in my life right now. This year I am finally finding the time to do things for myself and re-vamping my business as I have been unable to put myself into anything lately. As a mother of two little boys, my personal being has been left to the side burner. I have yet to re-discover myself again. When I saw your posts about the results of the retreat my heart felt heavy because I would have absolutely loved to be a part of that. I hate these excuses for not growing my business as much as I want but I honestly can’t afford it. I’m a stay-at-home mom because we can’t afford day care; I have side jobs just to make some extra money for things like swimming lessons and going on rare dates with my husband. So when I saw your post about “no room for excuses here”. I am currently looking into some workshops I can afford right now in my local area. To me, this is huge. I was heart broken because I love following you and I truly would love to be mentored by you but I really can not afford $1200 to do this. My husband has a new job and can not just take any days off because I want to go away, even if it is to grow my business. When I say “hopefully in the future” I really mean it because I am putting money aside to afford to do it, and in the future because I can’t just up an leave my family for a weekend, especially with my boys being so small.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Just One of Those Weeks

Do you ever get those days where you have so many dreams and goals you want to accomplish, but they feel like they are just dreams? I’ve been having a week like that. I have so many big plans and dreams for the future but I feel that’s as far as it will go. Thoughts like “we can’t afford to start that” and “I’ll never get that” go through my head. I had mentioned just a teeny tiny portion of my thoughts to my husband and his response was so simple yet had such impact on what he thought of me and my capabilities. I love him to pieces! It may not be this year, but with him by my side and being so encouraging, I’m certain some of these dreams will come true!

It's a B*tch but I'm Not Sorry

When someone announces “It’s a Girl” I feel pain. If I know you and you announce this personally and I don’t seem excited, it’s not that I’m not so happy for you, I’m just thinking about the girl I lost. If we are together and I don’t want to hold your baby girl, it’s not that I don’t, it’s because I’m afraid I’ll burst into sobs if I do. If you are telling me something cute your little girl did and I don’t seem very interested, I am listening, but I’m also thinking what it would've been like if it was MY girl. 

So please, don’t judge anyone upfront as a b*tch if you've experienced this. Some days it’s still very hard even though it’s been four years. The pain of loosing a baby never really goes away. 

If you ask me “so are you going to try for a girl?” and I reply with some sarcastic edge, I’m sorry but I’ve lost a girl and it’s hard to hear that question. I know you’re just making kind conversation, but to me, there’s no need to “try” for a girl, I've already had one, but unfortunately she wasn't meant to enter this world. I’m perfectly wonderfully happy with my two boys, but yes, I could've had a girl and it’s painful to think of that.

I've lost a baby and if you have as well, I hope you don’t feel embarrassed when you get emotional about little things. It’s all very real. I used to feel embarrassed when I cried “for no reason” in public, but I’m human, and so are you and those moments are very real.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Dreams Come True

A dream has sprouted and I am so happy to announce the "opening" of Boho Abode Fashions! It's always been a dream to own my own clothing store and here I've finally made it! Boho Abode Fashions is a mobile, woman's clothing store, offering unique and affordable pieces for the free-spirited and fashionable woman. 
You may be thinking "gosh this girl sells everything" and I have really just been exploring my options and trying to figure out what works best for me and my family. Currently I still sell Younique (and now own Boho Abode Fashions). All of this consultant experience has led me back to my true passion which is fashion. I will be able to incorporate my love of fashion photography and will fulfill a truly personal dream come true. I am very excited to introduce Boho Abode Fashions and hope you take a peek and enjoy the unique clothing I have to offer! 

Check it out on Facebook! Be sure to click that little like button too :)

Monday, March 31, 2014

Losses and New Life

As I have shared previously, I had a miscarriage back in 2010. (Read my story here). There is not a day that goes by without me thinking of my precious little Peyten. I look at my nephew and sometimes think "wow, she would be this big, she would be doing this now." I miss her every single day.
When I was pregnant with my son, it was a daily struggle worrying everyday if he was ok and still alive inside of me. I am pregnant again (and yes so very excited!) but again, every day has been a struggle for me worrying if this little one is still growing. There is something unique about this pregnancy which has made it just a little harder for me. This baby is due the day before Peyten was due three years earlier. Crazy, I know. February was a very tough month for me with breakdowns and gloomy days. I thought I was coping fairly well with my emotions about the pregnancy but I was very wrong. I kept telling myself that my thoughts were irrational, that I needed to stop and take a breath and just move on with the day. But all of that started bubbling to the surface and it all that pain came rushing out. I now realize that these emotions are okey to feel but I need to remind myself that everything happens for a reason and right now I need to trust that everything is okey and stay positive. Yes I still worry. I cuddle my son tighter. I check on him at night time. Because this fear consumes my every day. I have had counselling (yes I admit it. After Peyten, I could not go on trying to heal my heart by myself, I needed help). I will be going again soon. It has helped me so far and I refuse to go on trying to heal myself again.
Last month I got to see my little one in an ultrasound and my shoulders finally relaxed a bit seeing the baby move around. In a few weeks I will get to see the baby again and I look forward to that day!